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Senin, 04 November 2013

Changes Completed For Empower Network Version 2

By Christopher Michaels

Certainly there has been a bunch of gossip about "ENV2", which is the most recent revamp of the prominent online affiliate marketing program, Empower Network.

Until now though, you might have had your email inbox inundated with email from Empower Network affiliates letting you know that something new was on it's way, there hasn't been very much information as to exactly what the modifications were going to be.

What is changing?

What we have here with ENV2 is a thorough revamp of the whole system, not merely a handful of simple changes. It is a whole new system.

It is being touted as the blog service that your Granny could use. Well, I've never met your Grandma but they have undoubtedly made it easier from a blogging perspective.

The popular blogging software, Wordpress, was the basis for the construction on the initial Empower Network blogging program. This was operational however left a lot to be desired for those who were not really technically skilled. For people like myself, who have been blogging for a while, the older system was okay. Yet for the bulk of new members it was still perplexing and too much to handle and very a long way from "plug-and-play".

Apparently people over at Empower Network management observed the same because the brand-new ENV2 platform has definitely simplified everything.

The admin area has been divided into four main functions: Text post, video post, audio post and image post. Each type is chosen by a large image icon displayed at the top of the page. All the blogger has to do is click on the category of post he wishes to post, fill a few fields and they're done.

The full method of publishing is about as straightforward as one could make it.

In fact, the ability to edit the CODE of a new post has been removed for the sake of less confusion. Only the visual editor is still present. While very skilled Wordpress users, particularly those who prefer to produce more complex alignments, tables, etc. can find this restricting, for the typical person this is more pleasant and easy on the mind I would think.

Among the most substantial updates consists of the Empower Network mobile app, making it easy to blog, upload video, etc., right from your smart-phone. One application which seems to be a success is the capacity for you to record a video on their i-phone, then upload that video to their blog and publish it in just a few clicks of your thumb. The notion is that you can develop your home business from anywhere employing your phone and you don't even have to involve your home computer. It must be taken note of that this sort of thing is facilitated only by also becoming a customer of Empower Network's video hosting service.

ENV2 was developed specifically to enable synchronization between your phone, the EN system and the EN video hosting service. A number of people will balk about needing to pay for video hosting services. This is easy to understand yet using free video services such as YouTube isn't a very practical thing to do for a business owner. Excessive possibility of account banning. No capability has been removed for video embedding. It can still be performed simply with an embed code or a YT link. The video hosting service delivered by EN is available if one wishes to be able to do video blogging directly from their smartphone with a couple clicks.

Customization will be compromised for the benefit of ease. Whether this is an issue is a point for each individual to find out for themselves.

Specifically, when you wish to add an image to a blog post it requires just a couple of clicks. You no longer have to fool with specifying the size of the image, or the placement. The image will automatically be sized to accommodate the size of the post content area.

Special in the new model is something referred to as an "Activity Feed", similar to your Facebook feed. Empower Network customers now view a feed when they log in, which contains excerpts of new blog posts placed by other Empower Network customers to whom they are connected.

And when someone creates a new post it is up to that author to select whether they prefer the new post available inside the activity feed and available for view to all their customers, affiliate down-line, or to just a select group of customers who have purchased a particular product. You can now pick who gets the notification so that if you have posts which you want reserved for only your "Masters" members, for instance, you can do that.

Furthermore Empower Network has incorporated the option to do a one-click swipe of any of the posts you find on your Activity Feed. That is quick content curation and gives lots of possibilities for social engagement and marketing in itself.

Overall the badly technically challenged and the newbie will find the new ENV2 machine to be significantly simpler and a far shorter learning curve in comparison to the former platform.

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