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Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Pre Production For Your Corporate Video

By Conor O'grady

The production of a corporate video requires a great deal of planning and pre production if it's to be a smooth and effective process. There are multiple messages and visions in play, not least the contrast between the videographer and the corporate client. In order to ensure your corporate video production goes off without a hitch, take a look at these simple steps to really nail down the creative direction of the production early on.

When researching ways to make this pre-production process smoother and more efficient for the future, I narrowed the steps down these few, including scripting, storyboarding, and a treatment to ensure the final intentions of the project are clear.

To begin with, a storyboard is the most powerful way of visualising the content that hasn't even been shot yet.Taking in to account the locations and the people involved, a storyboard can help your client understand what is in your head. Composition, camera moves, special effects and titles can all be demonstrated with ease using a storyboard.

Scripting is important to make sure that all the necessary content is included, whether this is a solid formed script leaving no room of improvisation or bullet pointed topics of conversation. Scripting is not only used for speech but can also be used for movement, to convey a particular message through the body language of the actor or actress.

A treatment is all about outlining the aim and the intentions of the project. This is so that everyone involved knows the final goal for the film. The treatment is important for communication between all stages of the process for everyone involved. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have the whole team on the same page an working together.

Pre-production is vital or the coordination of what is going to be filmed and includes many stages that cannot to ignored (as I learnt). It effects the whole filming process and makes your life easier in the long run, with efficiency and ease when it comes to shooting. If you apply these techniques to your own videos, let me know how you get on in the comments below!

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