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Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

A Discussion On School Vending Machines

By Jocelyn Davidson

The phrase vending machine is one that is used to refer to a machine which sells items to consumers without necessarily using a cashier. Some examples of things that can be sold using these devices are snacks and beverages. They can be installed in public institutions like hospitals and schools where many people can access them. Many people however debate the issue of having school vending machines. Others support their installation while others think it is harmful for the students. Here are some pros and cons of these selling machines in educational centers.

Some of the merits include the matter of time saving since the scholars will not be forced to use time to move from one place to another looking for snacks to eat. For scholars, it is essential to use their time well if they have any chance of getting good grades and they cannot achieve this if they get out of the schools all the time to grab something to eat. Most machines normally have the most foods that students may like.

Many school organizations also like the automatic vendors because other than retailing the snacks, they may be used to do other school transactions with ease such as payment of school activity fees. They may also be a perfect way for the organizations to enhance healthy eating habits among the scholars. The healthy foods can mostly be purchased if they are priced reasonably.

The arguments shown above make it look like the hawking machines have more pros than cons especially to the scholars. It is essential to first deliberate on the other arguments of the discussion before making a conclusion since there is a significant number of disadvantages. The issues illustrated below are examples of disadvantages of setting up vending machines in schools.

Truth be told, many people only consider the profits they are going to make when putting up these devices but they do not deliberate on the health of students. School authorities make a lot of money by signing contracts with junk food companies to sell their products to students. This causes a lot of junk eating by the small kids.

The most common things that are sold in the devices are junks including the soft drinks. These are some of the things that cause health problems such as childhood obesity. Some other illnesses that may be triggered by the intake of junk food are heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and high blood pressure among others. Because of these diseases, there are states that have completely banned the devices in schools.

Most vending machines bring in a lot of money for the companies that own them. It will be unfair to force them to remove them from schools because it is a good market for their products. For this reason, the best move will be to control the kind of items that they sell to make sure they are only selling goods that are not harmful to students.

It is also vital that leaders make it their duty to educate the kids about healthy eating including the foods which they can eat and those they should avoid. If they know the dangers of eating the junk snacks then it will be simpler for them to regulate their intake.

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