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Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Ways To De-Stress In College

By Darrel Jefferson

We all have had them, roommates that have that special power to annoy us just by entering the room. It could be the roommate pursuing a business degree who talks about all the money he has made over the summer selling pest control. Or it could be the perky roommate pursuing a human resources degree that critiques your outfits every morning.

Sometimes they do things that are legitimately annoying like drink your milk, snog their boyfriends (or girlfriends) in the living room, or shave in the kitchen. Other times you don't need a legitimate reason to consider your roommate annoying-they are annoying by just existing.

Here are some suggestions of ways you can take a break and let out some of the stress: Exercise is essential for your body and mind. If you can't go out for daily, regular exercise (which will decrease overall levels of stress) power exercising can be a good thing for you too. When you are about to lose it, go out for a quick run. Do some sit-ups or push-ups. Ride your bike. Hold a short, spontaneous dance party with your roommates. Do what you can to relax your body, energize your mind, and shed that stress.

For example if they are a morning person, become a night person. If they like doing their homework at the kitchen table, do your homework in the library, in your room or in the lounge of your apartment.

Or, if you simply do not want to stack up on any more dirty dishes you can use a tortilla on top of your dish to protect your dish from getting dirty and effectively avoid having to wash it.

Social Interaction, Interacting with other people is another great way to relieve stress. Talk with your roommates. Call your mom. Visit a neighbor. Take ten minutes and join the party down the hall. Getting your mind off your problems and building social relationships is always encouraging and enriching.

If diplomacy fails, and fights, fists and tears ensue, it is time to call a truce. Place a note on the annoying roommate's door stating you wish to have a roommate meeting. Be sure bring a moderator to make sure the meeting does not escalate to war. Pick a night when you are all free, prepare cookies or some other kind of peace offering snack, and open negotiations. State in a non-aggressive way why you have called the meeting and the topic(s) you wish to discuss. Then take the time to talk, listen and negotiate new terms for your living situation.

If a peace meeting results in an open declaration of war, it is time to contact your landlord about the situation. Negotiate with your landlord the options of either moving out or evicting your annoying roommates (if their transgression warrants such an action).

So no matter if you are a busy working on your business degree, computer science degree, or property management degree, you should always take time to take care of yourself. De-stress by trying out these simple tips and enjoy a great college experience!

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