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Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Barack Obama And Janet Yellen Captain Economic Titan

By Anne Trimble

Janet Yellen, the newly nominated chief of the U.S. Federal Reserve, said this week that she'll press on with the Fed's unprecedented monetary stimulus until she sees a robust recovery. Meanwhile, President Obama backtracked just a bit on his socialization of American medicine, unilaterally deciding not to force insurance companies to pull the plug on millions of individual health policies after all-- at least until next year.

In Washington, this is how political leaders behave, They call this tip-toe "progress." Yet every thinking American understands what is going on. It is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. That's an applicable analogy for this ship of state, the once invincible United States of America.

Despite this grim and obvious future, Yellen told the US Senate in her confirmation testament that she sees nothing strange with proceeding with the Quantitative Easing plan pushed by the former Fed chief, Ben Bernanke, and she is determined to continue on this course until she no longer sees signs of financial difficulty. So she's extremely unlikely to taper the Fed's $85 billion in monthly bond purchases.

Yellen holds fast to the belief that "QE" is among the last few props still holding up the economic fate of the world. She is keeping it from falling into the abyss. This happened five years earlier. Equally stubborn, Obama has no objective of slowing down his effort to take control of Americans health care. This despite all the troubles he has caused himself by his initial lies on the campaign trail. He promised people could keep their doctor as well as their health plan under Obamacare.

Americans may be dumb a lot of the time-- but they aren't foolish. And they certainly see all this unfolding and it produces a tremendous amount of concern about the nation's economic future, and their very own monetary future. That's why customers aren't spending money in the economy the experts believe they should with Obama in charge, and why businessmen aren't employing the out-of-work people the way the economic pundits believe they ought to be, and why participants of the Millennial generation aren't getting as many of the latest cell-phone apps the way economic forecasters thinks they should be. The wise ones see their future-- and it looks rather bleak.

But there are things that ordinary Americans can do to protect themselves from the next financial disaster, one that politicians are just biding time in the hopes of avoiding. They can transfer their household financial assets to real money, God's Money: gold and silver instruments that have withstood the test of time and are the only currencies guaranteed to stand whatever economic and spiritual test are imminent for this generation of Americans.

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